Getting married can be very exciting, but it can also be terrifying. A prenuptial agreement might suit you if you have any concerns about the future and want to protect your current or future assets.
Having a prenuptial agreement is not a sign of mistrust towards your significant other or a sign that you are expecting the marriage to fail. On the contrary, a prenuptial agreement takes care of the major issues that cause a breakdown of the marriage. Having a prenuptial agreement allows you to address these issues first and put them behind before the marriage begins. Therefore, allowing the marriage to grow stronger through the years without the nonsense that the Prenuptial Agreement handles.
If you are already married, but things are not going as planned, and you want to protect your assets moving forward or retroactively, a Postnuptial Agreement might be suitable for you.
Need a Prenuptial or Postnuptial Agreement?
Give us a call at 412-425-4373
We will walk you through the process of drafting or understanding your Prenuptial or Postnuptial agreement.